Saturday, April 25, 2009

Random Observations

1. Kansas City, Kansas is smaller than Kansas City, Missouri. Shouldn't that be the other way around?

2. Motivational speaking is scarier than preaching.

3. Even with increased security, you're still 30,000 feet up, hoping the mechanics were having a good day.

4. When you fly, now you get a drink, but can buy a snack. On the way from Little Rock to DFW, the announcement was that 'Items are available for purchase. Just inform the flight attendants what you want to purchase.' Since it was early Monday morning, and I didn't want to cause a problem, I didn't ask to purchase a parachute. I thought about it.

5. All of Kansas isn't flat.

6. Make sure you realize how many steps you're taking when you take the stairs instead of the escalator!

7. Racetrack grandstands are huge!

8. I'm wondering how Cabela's got the stuffed and mounted elephant?

9. There's not a lot of room in the back of an Impala.

10. I'm happy to report that the Warren, Arkansas, Police Department does not engage in profiling. Even when it's painfully obvious that the old white guy with the Buick is not the one with the noise ordinance violation.

11. I like my Blackberry. But I don't type very well on it yet.

12. If you have an airport security issue, and nobody seems to be listening, just keep reporting it. Eventually, the suits will come. And then, everybody cares what you have to say! (Fortunately, it was just a little report by someone else about a passenger near me on a flight. Nobody hurt, no issues. And TSA handled it well)

13. I don't handle sudoku well. Really.

14. The Spurs are really missin' Manu. Maybe missing David Robinson, too.

15. The extremes of man's inhumanity to his fellow man confound me. There are exceptions, but all told, people can be downright mean.

16. I still wonder if Cardinals are called Cardinals because they wear red and look like bird cardinals, or if bird cardinals are cardinals because they are red like Cardinals wear red.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.