Thursday, April 23, 2009

Home from Kansas

Ok, I'm home safe and sound from Kansas. It was a good trip, albeit a fast one. I want to give a quick update and then I'll fill in details as the days come in next week.

First of all, I posted various pictures and short comments through the trip. Why? Because I had my Blackberry, but left my laptop at home, so I was typing on a really small screen. And, my thumbs got tired. The pictures were mainly of airplanes and airports, to keep my family posted on what was going on and where I was. They've all got the 'KC Trip' label. I didn't take the laptop for space reasons and because I figured I'd be sharing a hotel room with other people, and didn't want to be rude. Turns out, I had my own room. Oh well. At least it was smooth going through security!

Second, the trip was jointly sponsored by the North American Mission Board, the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, the Kansas-Nebraska State Convention, and the Bartholomew Baptist Association. I don't know who paid for what, just that I didn't actually pay for any meals, plane tickets, the rental car, the tour bus, the hotel room, or parking. So, thanks to all of these groups for whatever part you financed.

Third, flying wasn't that bad. Security wasn't that bad, either. I'm not sure you're gaining anything by making me take my shoes off, but, ok, go ahead. It was interesting to see some of the in-flight changes, like the huge door to the cockpit. On the S-80 from Dallas to Kansas City, the pilots needed something. The flight attendant barricaded the aisle with a beverage cart that looked like it was double-reinforced steel instead of aluminum, and then the pilot let him on the flight deck. I really think the cart would slow somebody down more than the door. I got a chance to talk to some TSA folks, they were nice, friendly, and very thorough. I didn't ask them why I didn't get hired back in 2002 when I applied. Figured they wouldn't know anyway. Also, I like the 757 better than the S-80.

Fourth, there is a huge need for people to be authentic, Biblical Christians in the Kansas City area. Seriously. People who will follow Christ and serve Him by loving people and worshiping together in groups called churches. That will extend the grace of God but also stand against sin. That type of thing.

Want to know a little more information? First stop: some of the pastors are writing blogs and using basic websites to communicate about their churches and ministry work. Here are the links:

Matt Maestas, Desoto Community Church:

Lee Martin, Family Dispatch Church:

AJ Vanderhorst, Crossroads Church:

Mark Leenerts, Journey Church:

Carl Garrett, Outpost Cowboy Church:

Kansas City Kansas Baptist Association:

Southern Baptists of Kaw Valley:

Check these sites out. I'll be posting more info here and on the church blogs in the coming days.



  1. I went to see the Chiefs win a football game. They were having spring practice against each other ;-)

    It was an exploratory trip to see how our church can help with church planting efforts in the Kansas City, Kansas area. The links take you to some of the church planters and info about their work.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.