Here is what you’ll find: there is an audio player with the sermon audios built-in to it, just click to find the one you want. You’ll also find the embedded YouTube videos of each sermon.
Learning, Teaching, and Laughing
The occasional thoughts of an ordinary man serving an extraordinary God. Come with me as we learn, teach, and laugh along the way.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Sermon Recap for February 9 2025
Monday, January 27, 2025
Sermon Recap for January 26 2025
Well, here we are again, another week, another sermon.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Sermon Recap for January 19 2025
Here is what you’ll find: there is an audio player with the sermon audios built-in to it, just click to find the one you want. You’ll also find the embedded YouTube videos of each sermon.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Bookish Thoughts for January 14 2025
I'm sitting here, still hoping to find some motivation to wipe out that last little bit of dissertation that needs doing. But, it's my birthday and I'd rather be goofing off.
But I read many years ago in Steven Pressfield's works that having the same practice, every day, makes a difference in delivering on creativity.
The problem is, whatever I may have read in the War of Art or even The Daily Pressfield, is that one still has to choose to follow that practice. Books only get you so far.
Eventually, choices are what carry the day. There are whole shelves of brilliance in the possession of many people, but few of us do anything with it. Because that wisdom still has to be acted upon.
What do we do with this, then?
First, don't forget to read the wisdom of others. There is no arrogance like those who think they do not need the wisdom of others to live life well. You are not the first person on the planet, and, honestly, most of your struggles at the very least have analogues to the struggles of others. Read something. Learn.
Second, when you read for wisdom, take notes in a manner that works for you. One suggestion I like is to use an index card for your bookmark and jot down ideas from the book that seem valuable. Then, when you're done, you will have some action steps to take.You can leave the card in the book as a reminder, but take a look at the summary and pick one thing to do.
Third, remember that you started on a learning journey for a reason. Maybe it was work. Maybe it was personal. Maybe it was to check out how this path looked. Whatever it was, you need to finish at least a portion of it. Your action step may be to put that book down and go another direction. That's okay.Make that as a choice, though, don't blunder into it.
Oh, and remember this: you can also learn from stories, perhaps even as well as you learn from intentional teaching. Whether it's "serious" literature (there's a lot to learn in War and Peace) or in "fun" books (there's a lesson in The Kobyashi Maru from Star Trek), you can be inspired and informed in fiction, too.
But then you have to act on it. Find one step and take it.
Tomorrow, take that step again.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Sermon Recap January 12 2025
We continued on through Genesis today as we go through the Bible this year.
Audio player:
Monday, January 6, 2025
Sermon Recap for January 5 2025
It's time for another year of sermons!
2025's goal is to work through the F260 Bible Reading Plan from and my intention is to preach from somewhere in each week's readings. For example, this week we should be reading Genesis 1-9 and Job 1-2. So, the Sunday morning sermon came from Genesis 1, Sunday night we covered Genesis 3-4.
We're not yet doing something recordable for Sunday nights, my goal is to get better about that being discussion and, for some folks, cameras kill discussion. I'd rather have a good discussion with people who are there than content for the Internet.
Here's yesterday's sermon from Genesis 1
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
2024 Ends 2025 Begins: Books!
Briefly, which I know is a strange word for me, I'd like to touch on reading for the previous year and make some recommendations for the coming year. Yes, I also know it's too late for you to start a daily reader tomorrow if you do not already own it. Unless, of course, you've got a Kindle or Nook and make the digital order.
First, this year I've read these three as daily devotional and growth reads:
Jesus Every Day by Mary DeMuth. This was an easy read, moving through the Bible in a year, and guiding me with some prayer suggestions. I liked it as the introductory moment for my daily devotional time, it helped me tune my brain in the right direction. I won't immediately read it again, but it goes on the list for another year later on.
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. A classic in the devotional field, I read again my copy that I've had since 1996. This was my second year reading through it daily, so it will get set aside for this coming year as I usually do this in two-year bursts. For example, I read it daily in 2020 and 2021, then again 2023 and 2024. Written by Gertrude Hobbs Chambers from Oswald Chamber's sermons and spiritual talks that she had taken down in shorthand, this is a good, challenging read. It's available in both "Classic" and "Modern" language editions, I've got the "Modern" and recommend it, but the "Classic" is not that hard.
The Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday. At this point, we diverge from Christian teaching and read some philosophical mediations. Some of Holiday's thoughts are drawn from Scripture, most are centered on very practical thoughts and illustrated from history. Holiday's personal beliefs run more toward a modernized version of Stoicism (the real philosophy, not the "don't have emotions" nonsense), so at times he is just a bit not-right from a Biblical perspective. Still, there is enough value here to make it worth reading. I've given this as a gift to new parents.
Other books that I've wrapped up this year will be addressed at other times--these were the page a day.
Now, starting this year:
Every Day for Everyone: 365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation by N.T. Wright and John Goldingay. As you can guess by now, I'm a fan of things that work through the whole Bible in a year. Next year, I will probably redo a read through the whole Bible plan, but for this year, I'm doing more time on less text. So this one will start off my days. Wright and Golindgay are both from a different Christian tradition than I am, but that will keep me challenged.
The Daily Pressfield by....Steven Pressfield. This one is more motivational than spiritual, but I'm looking forward to it. Pressfield is one of my favorite authors, despite wishing some of his vocabulary choices were different. I've got it on Kindle, so that will be digital reading.
In the "not a book" category, I get Seth Godin's daily email which I think is worth your time. It's not something I read in my daily devotional time, because I try to do the devotional work before I fire up the digital world. It's early in the workday, though.
Beyond that, we'll look at some of the various books for spiritual and personal growth as I read them!
Have a great new year celebration.
Oh, and this year will be the next Pearls Before Swine page-a-day calendar because we all need to laugh.
Sermon Recap for February 9 2025
Here is what you’ll find: there is an audio player with the sermon audios built-in to it, just click to find the one you want. You’ll also...

So I still, from time to time, get books to review. It works like this: I get a free book and agree to review it. Then I beg for an extensio...
A couple of weeks ago, I ran through a few of my in-print organizational resources. Moving on from there, I thought I’d share the three main...
Numbers 22 very well might be the inspiration for a certain furry movie character, but I’m going to fade a little bit away from talking don...