Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28 2009

Motivational quote: "I have learned to do my best, and if the end result is good then I do not care for any criticism, but if the end result is not good, then even the praise of ten angels would not make the difference." -Abraham Lincoln

Thought: All that matters is whether, in the end, we've been obedient to God. The criticism of men or praise of angels is irrelevant otherwise.

Proverbs 28:6(NLT) ->Decide which you'd prefer.

Proverbs 28:8(NLT) ->Is this what is happening to banks?

Proverbs 28:12(NLT) -> Yep. Like right now.

Proverbs 28:13(NLT) ->Another verse for church leaders!

Proverbs 28:20(NLT) ->So skip that email---and go to work!

1 Samuel 14:12 ->All Jonathan needed was the assurance God was in it. No army, no detailed plan.

1 Samuel 14:6 ->Yet we wait to have many.

1 Samuel 14:43-44 ->Integrity vs. dumb oaths!

1 Timothy 4:16 ->Staying fast to the word demonstrates our salvation and provides the hearing for others as needed in Romans 10:14

Lord God, today I seek wisdom.  I pray it will be your wisdom, and not the world's!

Moving toward the Horizon,

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