Motivational quote: "Call the roll in your memory of conspicuously successful business giants and will be struck by the fact that almost every one of them encountered inordinate difficulties sufficient to crush all but the gamest of spirits. Edison went hungry many times before he became famous." -B.C. Forbes
Thought #1: Success, generally, comes from adversity. No successful army in history has not required some form of rigorous training, successful athletes train, and various difficult careers require long effort to get involved. Therefore, expect adversity, and utilize the discipline to help you grow!
Thought #2: Beware those who are 'successful' without having strived to get there. Inherited power, wealth, or fame leads to the undisciplined use of it. Not all inheritors use their family 'wealth' badly, but the difference is usually found in those who had a hard road to their position. (Franklin Graham comes to mind as an example of this type of person).
Prayer: Father, set our hearts on You. I want my children to grow up in peace and happiness, but I do not want that at the cost of them growing up to serve and know You. Father God, you alone can provide for our future which is secure in You.
Exodus 12:24 ->The Passover was lasting, meant to be passed on. The Lord's Supper should be as well.
Exodus 12:26 ->Part of the role of remembrance traditions is to pass the information on to succeeding generations. It is not enough that those who experienced something to remember it, but we need those who come after to remember it as well.
Proverbs 4:18(NLT) ->Righteous people should point to the full light: The Lord Jesus Christ!
Proverbs 4:24(NLT) ->Possible alternate translation: avoid politicians!!!
Proverbs 4:23(NLT) ->Hebrew idiom places the heart at the center of thought. Greek places the mind as the center of thought. Now, look also at Romans 12:2. Renew it, protect it, because this is what drives your actions!
Proverbs 4:27(NLT) ->Stay on target! If God has given you a goal, faltering from it is to fall into evil. (and yes, that convicts about me graduating from seminary.)
1 Timothy 3:13 ->Good services grants high regard. Service develops our confidence in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53 ->If God inspired this 700 years prior, then it's pretty obvious Jesus knew exactly what was coming when He came. (Even if you take the view of Deutero-Isaiah and have this post-exilic. It's still amazing. If you want to move into the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, it's still 200 years before Christ.)
Thought #1: Success, generally, comes from adversity. No successful army in history has not required some form of rigorous training, successful athletes train, and various difficult careers require long effort to get involved. Therefore, expect adversity, and utilize the discipline to help you grow!
Thought #2: Beware those who are 'successful' without having strived to get there. Inherited power, wealth, or fame leads to the undisciplined use of it. Not all inheritors use their family 'wealth' badly, but the difference is usually found in those who had a hard road to their position. (Franklin Graham comes to mind as an example of this type of person).
Prayer: Father, set our hearts on You. I want my children to grow up in peace and happiness, but I do not want that at the cost of them growing up to serve and know You. Father God, you alone can provide for our future which is secure in You.
Exodus 12:24 ->The Passover was lasting, meant to be passed on. The Lord's Supper should be as well.
Exodus 12:26 ->Part of the role of remembrance traditions is to pass the information on to succeeding generations. It is not enough that those who experienced something to remember it, but we need those who come after to remember it as well.
Proverbs 4:18(NLT) ->Righteous people should point to the full light: The Lord Jesus Christ!
Proverbs 4:24(NLT) ->Possible alternate translation: avoid politicians!!!
Proverbs 4:23(NLT) ->Hebrew idiom places the heart at the center of thought. Greek places the mind as the center of thought. Now, look also at Romans 12:2. Renew it, protect it, because this is what drives your actions!
Proverbs 4:27(NLT) ->Stay on target! If God has given you a goal, faltering from it is to fall into evil. (and yes, that convicts about me graduating from seminary.)
1 Timothy 3:13 ->Good services grants high regard. Service develops our confidence in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53 ->If God inspired this 700 years prior, then it's pretty obvious Jesus knew exactly what was coming when He came. (Even if you take the view of Deutero-Isaiah and have this post-exilic. It's still amazing. If you want to move into the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, it's still 200 years before Christ.)
Moving toward the Horizon,
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