About Doug

My name is Doug Hibbard. I was born in Texas during the term of the only unelected President in United States History. Since 1998, I have been blessed to be married to Ann Hibbard. We have three children, three fish, and two cats.

I pastor East End Baptist Church in East End, Arkansas. I am also occasionally involved with writing for the Arkansas Baptist News and for Family Magazine. One of these days, I'll finish school for the last time. But until then, I will keep on killing myself by degrees.

I can be contacted either via email at doug (at) doughibbard.com or through the blog comments. Please put something in your subject line other than "Blog Contact" because the SPAM filter may kill your email with that subject.


  1. Stephanie L. JonesJuly 29, 2012 at 2:50 PM

    Are you, by any chance, the Doug Hibbard who worked as a youth ministry intern at Central Baptist Church NLR, AR in mid-1990s? I was a youth there.

    1. Guilty as charged. I was the youth intern there in 1996.

    2. Really! I was in 8th-9th grade then. Attended several of the summer daytime prayer meetings. Stephanie Haynes then, close group with Robin Satterfield and Traci Rodtnick. Blast from the past! Have been enjoying your post and comments on SBC Voices.

    3. I remember that year a bit dimly, but I think I can picture that group! I was a freshman in college, hardly mature enough to go to Walmart without adult supervision, much less be in ministry...

      Thanks for stopping by over here. I clicked through your link at SBCVoices, looks like you are doing very important work--keep it up!

  2. Hey, Doug, really enjoyed the message last night and the Q&A. A lot of good questions! I wanted to ask about one of the scriptures we read this week but it is kind of long so didn't want to take too much time. The scripture is Psalm 44. After v.9 this seems to be a long complaint about God having rejected and forgotten His people.

    The tone is so accusatory and self righteous. I have been trying to reconcile this with so many other passages where the exile of God's people is clearly because of their unfaithfulness.

    Any thoughts about what is going on here?

    Greg F. in East End

    1. Greg, I'm going to repaste and respond to this on the post with Sunday's sermon: http://www.doughibbard.com/2016/11/sermon-recap-for-november-6.html


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Sermon Recap for January 19 2025

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