Friday, April 10, 2009

Emil Turner---I can see clearly now!

| Arkansas Baptist State Convention
I had been driving two years before I took the test for a license. I failed the test because I could not see. I had no idea my vision was poor. I assumed everyone saw like I did.

The day I got eye glasses was amazing. It was autumn and Dad took me quail hunting that afternoon. I could not believe the things I saw. Every tree stood out in sharp relief, I could see leaves flutter in the breeze, bugs on the ground, animals; everything was suddenly clearly defined, and brightly colored.

…the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ… 2 Cor. 4:4

The lost world does not see like we see. The things that are obviously of Christ, His creation, the way He changes lives, the blessings that accompany faithfulness, all these are blurred and indistinct to those who have not been saved. They see foolishness where we see faith. They think we are irrational, when we believe we are faithful. The lost world sees the blurred, distorted image of holiness and calls it self righteousness or pious ignorance.

But when Christ comes, the world comes into focus. The miraculous creation looks less miraculous than new creation. The new believer sees that sacrifice as more beautiful than self indulgence, that Jesus is always looking in his direction, and that darkness is as transparent as noonday. When the spiritually blind begin to see, they revel in the Deity the world reveals. They can appreciate, can distinguish, for the first time the difference between that which is good and that which is merely not harmful. Clarity rushes in and overwhelms the senses.

Now, we live among the blind. Physical sight is no substitute for spiritual sight. We must be their guides, patiently, steadily bringing them into the light. Pray for their healing so they may see. Don’t react against the blundering bluster of the blind. Even though they do not believe they will ever see what we see, we must guide them, pray for them, and tell them there is a Light.

From Dr. Turner at the ABSC.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.