Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Apr 7 2009

Motivational Quote: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life....Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -Steve Jobs

Thought #1: Perhaps that's the God-sized hole Pascal referred to? That, down in, what our heart and intuition are leading us to become is what God created us to be?

Thought #2: "Don't waste it living someone else's life" is a great reminder. Stop trying to be someone else. The world doesn't need clones (don't believe? watch Star Wars) but each of us to be the individual God has made us to be.

Thought #3: Is that inner voice telling you to give me a couple of free Mac Books? Come on, Steve Jobs, you know it is...Remember that your inner voice needs a check and balance with real standards. As a Christian, no 'inner voice' can overrule the Word of God.

Prayer: Lord God, I long to see myself walk in obedience to you. I ask today for the strength to do so. I think of the pain of the cross, and am humbled by your choice of that method to die for my sins. I am not worthy, but for your word that I am. Lord God, show your glory in me.

Proverbs 7:20(NLT) ->Note to husbands: What are you neglecting as you chase business with your wallets?

Mark 16:7 ->There's that 'just as He told you' again. Why don't we listen either?

Mark 16 (ending) you know that footnoted 'some manuscripts have this shorter ending? read that one. I read it in NASB. Mark talks about the 'sacred and imperishable' proclamation, but we treat it as if were no different than anything else, and that aspects like the CROSS are removable. How do we get that idea?

1 Timothy 3:16 ->'revealed in flesh,' not made from flesh like us: He was fully human and fully God, but He was not created like us.

1 Timothy 3:16 ->Proclaimed among the nations is still our jobs!

Looking back over 1 Timothy 3, some additional thoughts:

1 Timothy 3:2-3 ->It troubles me that we Baptists expand 'much wine' to total prohibition and say 'it's necessary for our witness to not drink' but then we'll soften 'one wife' and say 'well, otherwise we're excluding people.' Does our culture not need the witness that Christians are faithful in their marriage? At least as much as that Christians don't drink a glass of wine? Also for deacons in 1 Timothy 3:8, 12

1 Timothy 3:16 ->"Common confession" -> agreed upon by those who claim the faith. There are some things that are common to all believers. Without them, you're not a believer.
Moving toward the Horizon,

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.