Monday, May 27, 2024

Sermon Recap for May 26 2024

 Good morning!

We actually have sermons this time because yesterday, Steven preached at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church in North Little Rock. So you'll get the embed of their service (on Facebook), then you'll get Mt. Olive in Crossett. Someday we'll get Dad setup with video, and you may get all three Hibbard sermons...if we ever have another day where all three of us are preaching.

Who knows, maybe someday we'll all preach in the SAME PLACE!

Steven, guest of Pastor Victor Moore, Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist North Little Rock. Happy Birthday, PASTOR MOORE!

Doug sermon, with video and audio options.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Sermon from May 19 2024

 Good morning! Yesterday we talked about Simon Magus. Didn't actually hit on the sin of simony, because we don't really see it that much in the small town, but we'll cover that Wednesday.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sermon Recap for May 12 2024

 Here is this week's sermon! (And yes, though it's been 3 years since I consistently had Sunday Night Church, it's still weird to not do "here are this week's sermons" and I have to retype the intro line nearly every week.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Sermon Recap for May 5

 Here is the sermon recap for yesterday. Last night we had a gathering with Arkansas Baptists here in the Southeast part of the state. Rex Horne brought a great message. If it was livestreamed/videoed, it would probably be on First Baptist Monticello's website. It was....odd to be in the middle of the sanctuary instead of responsible for anything.

Oh, and just for fun, looks like a very small tornado moved between where Ann and I were and home...

Sermon Recap for July 21 2024

Another week, another sermon. We're still working through Ephesians on Sunday nights, but that's a discussion group and it does not ...