Friday, March 27, 2009

Week in Review: w/e 3/28

This week saw:

Me spend a lot of time bickering with AT&T. Finally, one hidden gem of a customer service person did what was right. So, I'm not as mad as I was. We'll see how it goes.

I have been taken off the terror watch-list for the state of Missouri! That's right. See post here about how I got on it. Here's a link to the info involving the state deciding to remove the report completely. I think the most significant thing here is that, except for Glenn Beck mentioning this on Fox News, there was no national media coverage. It was the sheer overwhelming responses of bloggers, emailers, callers, and word-of-mouth that brought pressure on the Missouri government to realize the error of their ways. Very much a power to the people moment.

In evidence of power to the stupid ideas moment, Burt Reynolds, David Hasselhoff, and others will not be allowed to drive their signature cars in California if a new law passes. Why? They're talking about banning black and other non-reflective color vehicles, because of the environmental impact of cooling them in the summer. Really. But aren't the Suburbans and limos the Fed uses to transport the President and others around black?

Let's see, what else this week? Oh, Dad's funeral home is graciously donating some furniture from a business they owned, and sold, to our local crisis pregnancy center. Much appreciation to them. May all their competitor's clients begin taking vitamins and using the Jack Lalanne power juicer for longevity.

The folks at Will it Blend? Are back! Here's a link to watch: Will it Blend? The Bailout Package!

Had a good discussion Wednesday night about gambling and the church.

Looking forward to Sunday morning, when we'll have 7 of our church members sharing their favorite Bible verses. It'll be great.

Like the Will it Blend? Here's another one:

And yes, those are Polish subtitles! And I know some of those words!!!!!

Hopefully the embedded objects worked. I'm a little shaky with some this fancy stuff...

Tonight, we're looking forward to tornadoes and nasty storms. So, we finally got around to video inventorying our home. Hopefully if we lose everything, we'll still have the inventory!
Have a great weekend!

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.