Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dental update

Well, we took the kids to the dentist yesterday.

Olivia's teeth are fine, although we're going to seal her 6-year molars so they don't get cavities.

Angie, on the other hand, has a cross-bite. And needs a little bit of correction called a frenectomy or frenelectomy, because the connective tissues between her lip and gums and roof of her mouth is over grown, and she'll have a lifetime gap between her front teeth that would make David Letterman wince. And she has a little cavity in one of her baby teeth.

Naturally, we have a great dental insurance plan. Basically, it's like great health insurance: it covers routine, preventative beautifully. But don't get sick or need something. Then you're out about 50% of the cost. Now, at least that 50% is covered, but, well we weren't exactly expecting this yet. So, we're praying for God to guide us on the rest. Fortunately, we have some put back in a medical spending account, so that's a blessing.

I'm a little afraid of what the dentist is going find in my mouth, though....

1 comment:

  1. Doug,

    New look! And lots of posts :0)

    Oh, we're going through dental issues too. Two of my three just started in braces at the same time. no insuance at all for that :0( And, trust me, it's not just for cosmetic reasons.

    Wow. Going for your masters! Good for you.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.