Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mar 25 2009

Motivational quote: "Our integrity is the basis of our confidence in ourselves and the confidence we inspire in others." -Stephen R. Covey

Thought: Without knowing ourselves to be trustworthy, having the assurance that our motives are as pure as we can make them, that our intentions are solid, we will truly fail to lead. Moreover, people will sniff out a double-minded leader in a heartbeat. At least, usually. Oftentimes we think people miss it, but they know, they just still hope to benefit themselves. Your own lack of integrity will lead to a lack of integrity in your followers. They'll end up only following you until it's in their best interest to abandon you.

Prayer: Lord God, there is no one like You. We need to be found by You, and drawn into your greatness. Guide us, let us know You and strengthen our hands to the work of following You.

Rev. 4:11 ->Only by the will of God does creation exists. There is no room for random, chance, guided mutation, or anything of the sort.

Proverbs 25:6-7 ->Let exaltation and blessing come to you.

Proverbs 25:20 ->Don't act like nothing is wrong to people with legitimate cares. You're not helping.

Isaiah 39:6-8 ->if this is a rebuke, as traditionally interpreted, why does Hezekiah say it's good? And Isaiah not correct him? Here or in 2 Kings 20:12-20?

1 Samuel 9:21 ->False identity concept->Saul is one of God's people. He's not 'the least of the least' but a servant of God Most High. He's being tasked to do something he can only do with God's help.

Proverbs 25:1 ->Can't help but wonder if Hezekiah was listening to Isaiah's prophecy of future deportation in Isaiah 39:6-8 and said to the scribes "Write down some of that oral tradition, lest we forget." To which I say: write down much of that oral tradition now! Lest it be forgotten. Make copies of the Constitution, make Bibles, make good books, before we digitize everything and then lose it all.

1 Timothy 3:4 ->children under control with dignity->men of God, the means are as important as the ends. Destroying your children to keep them in line so you 'qualify' for ministry is as disqualifying as anything else.

Moving toward the Horizon,

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