Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mar 22 2009

Motivational Quote: "Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future, but right now. Realize that nothing is too good." -Eileen Caddy

Thought: As believers, we must set our sights high, especially when it comes to obedience. Too often many of us write off that 'we'll never be perfect until we get to heaven' and it becomes our excuse. We must strive, and realize the possibility of following God to the fullest of our ability, though that ability is frail.

Prayer: My Father, today we'll gather to worship and praise you. Help us present your word, in Sunday School, sermon, and interaction with people. Let me see you today at work in lives, and let awe of you be communicated and effective among the church.

Rev. 3:7-13 ->The church is being instructed to pursue God's directives, not to try and be like anyone else or even to try to grow. Just to hold on to what they have received.

Isaiah 30:17 ->Trusting in the world leads to panic. And bank runs, stock collapses, and revolutions.

Proverbs 22:6 ->This is directed to people responsible for all aspects of child-training. There were no government schools in Solomon's day, but extended families training up children. Remember, whomever is helping train your children impacts how this promise is kept. This includes government schools and TV programs in your home.

Proverbs 22:13 ->Don't stay home and do nothing, even if you have fears of the world outside and its dangers. Don't fear lions!

1 Samuel 8:20 ->Because, after all, no king would take a bribe, right?

Proverbs 22:3 ->Are we 'sheltering' our kids? Or being 'prudent' and keeping them from evil? What does Scripture teach us to do? Expose our children to evil so they can learn what it's like?

1 Timothy 3:2 ->Respectable, not respected. The overseer should be someone who can be respected for right things. Truly respected, not the mock admiration of crowds

1 Timothy 3:2 ->Temperate: the hotheadedness and snap judgment, the angry demeanor and vitriol should not be present in the preachers of the Gospel. True, righteous anger at real sin is another story, but is that really what it is?

Memory verse: (typed from memory. let me know if it's right!): He who is slack in his work is brother to him who destroys. Proverbs 18:9

Moving toward the Horizon,

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