Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ann's Day

Today is my lovely wife's birthday! March 8, 1976 she came into this world. I didn't notice.

But, since March 8, 1999 it's been my business. What do I want to celebrate about her?

Well, she homeschools our kids. Which is wonderful. It allows us to install in our children a love of learning. We use any tax refund money we get to buy the next year's curriculum, so we already have Sonlight's Core 3 sitting on the shelf. And the kids want to finish Core 2, so they can do the new ones, because they love to have their Mommy teaching. She teaches our kids, and helps instill in them a love for Christ and the Word of God. So much so that our 5-year-old is upset about people going on mission trips, like some friends of ours going to Poland. Why? She wants to go. We have a 5-year-old who wants to go tell people about Jesus, because her mommy has shared a heart for God.

She takes the time to try and keep up with her chaotic-minded husband. She cares about her church family. She keeps house. She bakes bread. She plans meals. She pays bills, before they are due! (whole different story. But that's why she is the money manager, not me)

In our lives, she has supported my efforts to do nearly anything. Except be a country singer, because she's also honest with me about my limitations.

She doesn't like to be away from me, and I don't like to be away from her. Not in a smothery sense. Not in a controlling way.

She got me started blogging. She writes better blogs than I do, and she's getting to write for other people's blogs!

She makes calendars for Christmas presents that are personal. She even does it for a business. She sells Mary Kay, at least a little bit. Not so much that she's always doing it, but enough to buy her own and pay for some stuff around the house.

She accepts what I'm able to give her. She's willing to drive an old van. She watches sports and Star Wars with me. She likes to snuggle. She thinks I'm a good cook.

All in all, there is nobody I'd rather be married to than Ann.

Happy Birthday!!

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.