Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Party Affiliation

One thing the Doug for President campaign needs to make clear is that, at this point, there is no party affiliation of the DFP2012 Campaign. So far, I have not found a party that fits my ideas. If one should come along, I'll see about joining up!


  1. You might look into the Bull Moose Party.

    Before I consider voting for you in 2012, I'd like to know what your positions are on a few issues.

    Renewable Energy
    Health Care

  2. Short form answers:

    Education: We all need one, but are we sure the government is always the best provider? More research before an official policy post.

    Renewable energy: uh, yeah. good idea. I'm liking the Pickens Plan, but need to do some more research.

    Health Care: another thing ruined by too many lawyers. let's get health care for everyone but lawyers. And, like Social Security Fix #1, put elected and appointed officials on the same system they design for America. Better still, put them all in the VA, with a rate of E-3 so they can see what's needed for our veterans.

    Immigration: illegal immigration is bad. Just ask Native Americans. We need to secure our borders, but also provide channels for all who want to come to America to come. Offer a 12-month unconditional amnesty for all persons currently 'illegal' in this country to file documentation, while adjusting to a secure borders concept. After that, have greatly reduce or eliminate barriers to entry so there is no need for people who want to come to America to not use legal means. Allows INS/BP to focus on smuggling of people and things, especially some of the human trafficking that goes on.

    Russia: I can't see it from my house. At least not yet.

    I thought Palin shot the bull moose?

    Long answers on these issues are coming. Remember, I've got 4 years.


To deal with SPAM comments, all comments are moderated. I'm typically willing to post contrary views...but I also only check the list once a day, so if you posted within the last 24 hours, I may not be to it yet.

Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.