Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8 2014: Proverbs 8

What is the value of wisdom?


Wisdom is better than jewels, according to Proverbs 8:11. Better than jewels?


Better than jewels. Better than the precious stones we dig deep in the earth for. Better than the ornamentation of kings and queens. Better than our tokens of undying love.




Yet what do we accrue to pass on to the next generation?




We spend a fortune to hang degrees on the walls that reflect knowledge but not wisdom. We accumulate piles of cash. We fund physical beauty over any other ideal. We exhaust ourselves over athletic competitions.


When wisdom is more precious.




That starts with the fear of YHWH, the respect and awe of the Almighty God.


Investing in wisdom requires us to actually live life rather than just read it. It requires that we get our children doing, rather than just sitting in classrooms.


It means being engaged in the world around us. Get wisdom. It’s more precious than anything material.

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