Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6 2014 Proverbs 6

In focus today, Proverbs 6:1 and its references to financial wisdom. The opening verse addresses becoming trapped as the guarantor of the debts of others.


It is certainly applicable for personal life. We need to be cautious about our commitments in general, especially the ones that bind us to other people’s control. Think about it: many of our bigger disappointments in life come from counting on other people honoring their promises. They falter, and then we cannot fulfill ours because of it.


I think, though, that we need to not apply this only in an individualistic context. There are applications here with group applications.


First, how hard is it to see this as wisdom needed by a government? Do not get in over your heads with debts that you cannot repay. Like $17 trillion worth of it, where we are promised to pay even ourselves but will never have the money.


Or other commitments of the resources of a government that may or may not ever be able to satisfy.


Second, though, consider the extended concept of not only money but promises. How many times do we elect someone to office when they promise to do something outside of their power? Or do we see laws passed that obligate others to fulfill monetary or societal items that cannot possibly happen?


Next, move on to think about the life of a church. A church should keep its only debt to the Lord Jesus Christ. End of story. Do not become beholden to anyone for money, power, or fame.


Finally, think through the implications here for families. How much destruction comes from shared debts and obligations? Better to plan as possible and live within it.


Now, this does not speak to aid in times of unexpected, unstoppable need, but surely it applies to the expectations of life.


And then…think at large about what insurance actually is…but that’s another discussion.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.