Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2 2014: Proverbs 2

Today, let’s take a look at Proverbs 2:11. Discretion as a guard, understanding as a watcher.


Think on this for a minute. The biggest threats we face in life are not threats of force. A forceful threat does not materialize until well after it should have been discovered and understood. Look back in history—discretion and understanding, discernment and wisdom would have prevented the rise of Hitler and World War 2.


Look at many shipwrecked personal lives, and you’ll see that before the physical, material, or legal problems hit, there were patterns that showed no discretion. Look at the Federal Budget, and you’ll see no discretion, no understanding.


None at all.


If we will begin with wisdom, then we will see these guards. Rather than having to stockpile weaponry against tyranny, we will see how to snuff it early. Rather than bailing people out from sleazy banks, we would avoid bad financial deals altogether.








Build these stockpiles, use these throughout the year. Then talk about canned goods, bottled water, and ammunition. But get first things first—material stockpiles mean nothing, earthly power means bad things, if we do not have God-honoring wisdom in the use thereof.

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