Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014 Proverbs 5

Proverbs 5:21 is the verse in focus today. It speaks of the ever-watchful eye of YHWH. All the ways of men go on before God. What does that mean for us?


1. Our ways are watched: nothing we do is hidden, nor is it undertaken without being viewed. Your secrets are only secret from other men, but not from God.


2. Our ways are judged: in watching, there is evaluation. Is it right, is it wrong? Is it well-done or poorly done? God’s eyes make that decision. And His eyes see not only the action but the motivation.


3. Our ways are protected: shepherds keep watch. In doing so, they protect the flock. God protects the ways of those who are obedient. Our failure is in how we expect that to look, not in how He does the watching.


4. Our ways are known: there is nothing we do that God is not aware of, and yet He loves us anyway. Ever think about that? It is not the people who love us without knowing us that are truly amazing. It is the people that love us even as they know us.


Remember that God loves you even though all your ways are before His eyes. That should motivate us to improve our ways—in response to His love.

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