Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weird Wednesday August 19

Weird Wednesday—August 19 2009

In a discussion on another blog, we've been joking about who should run for President in 2012. Certainly they were joking, but somebody put my name in the meta as a suggestion. Can't do it. Why, asks the crowd of disheartened Americans? 1.) I was born in Texas, which is like a whole different country; 2.) Even if you count Texas as America, I can't find my birth certificate; 3.)I've got this secret desire to be a Broadway Producer; 4.)I've started running for exercise, and am planning on making it to the 2012 Olympics as both a sprinter and marathon runner; 5.) Well, what other reasons do you need?

Tweets that need better context or grammar:

“has a great breakfast meeting with a church member and a friend – I'm blessed with the people God has placed in my life.” (Are you having breakfast with 1 person or 2? A church member and a friend? Or are the church members your friends?)

Something about me: I'm a photographer currently without a camera.” (Can you be a photographer without taking pictures, for which you need a camera?) [Context developed: all cameras recently stolen.]

God is the ultimate enlightened capitalist” (That just gets a “HUH?!?” Well, and a “tell that to Bonhoeffer, Wurmbrand, or the North Korean Christians that just need food)

Is at the bus stop, waiting for the first day of third grade to start” (Ok, so it's a mom. But still, at first look it seemed funny.)

Moving on....

Since Brett Favre had said he was not going to play football, and now is going to play football, what does that do for his playcalling? Does he go in the huddle and say “ Alright guys, I-formation, sweep left to the running back” and then come out, take a shotgun snap and throw a deep slant right?

Watching the History Channel last night, there was something on about Mars. The statement was made, in a very serious tone, that “The history of Mars goes back farther, all the way to the formation of our solar system.” Really? You mean that? Mars has been the fourth planet in our solar system the whole time? WOW!!

Thinking about stock market terms: If a bear market is one that eats up all you have, does a bull market leave stinky piles everywhere for someone to clean up?

I went to Dallas with 2 of my deacons last week. We went to a church for a conference that took up an entire block in Dallas, and that you could probably put everyone from Monticello inside, with room to spare. What's weird about that? That they painted the inside of their sanctuary pink. Not 'cactus rose' or something earthy and soft. Pink. I don't think I could handle that every Sunday. I know we go to church to worship and learn and fellowship, but some distractions are hard to take!

Not a lot of weird stuff, because I've been doing other things than looking for it.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.