Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8 2009

August 8 2009

Ok, so yesterday I got pretty upset with Chase Bank, canceled my account with them, and ranted on my blog about it, and now I feel better. Except that my anger didn't reflect the holiness of God (James 1:20). Which is supposed to be what I reflect. Once again I have to stand with Paul when we commented about not doing what he wanted and doing what he didn't want. (Romans 7:15) I'm in the same boat, but my good moments aren't as good as his. Of course, neither are my sufferings. The government is against me, but not near as bad as the Romans were against Paul...(well, the government propped up Chase, and Chase is against me, so....ok, it's nowhere comparable.)

Proverbs 8:5 →It is not impossible to learn and gather wisdom! It is possible, and should be pursued.

Proverbs 8:6 →Can I say my lips speak of noble things? Hmm....

Proverbs 8:12 →Do you see this? Fear and reverence of the Lord leads to a hatred of evil things: arrogance, lying, sinful behavior. And it's not arrogance to apply Scripture to find these things when they are evident!

Proverbs 8:15-16 →Wisdom leads to righteous leadership and justice. No wisdom leads to lousy, self-centered leadership.

Proverbs 8:30 →That's why there's a fundamental, scientific order and structure under the whole universe: it was made with wisdom! God used a standard when creating.

Proverbs 8:34 →Listening to Godly wisdom leads to happiness in many circumstances.

1 Peter 3:22 →All things are subject to the Lord Jesus Christ. All powers, angels, everything. Why do we fret over anything? Including our enemy? Do we not realize that anything that comes against us from the “powers” is allowed by the One who loves us supremely? No more than a good parent allows real harm to come to their children, but does allow difficulty to help them grow, would God allow “powers” to truly harm us for eternity.

I follow a couple of people on Twitter that don't me from Adam...well, except that Adam died a long time ago and didn't wear blue jeans. Anyway, John Piper and Tom Ascol are two preachers I follow, and enjoy their comments. (Twitter allows you to send out 140 character messages, somewhat akin to a telegraph. Some people use it communicate, some to market. Some preachers will communicate with others and share messages.) I thought I'd share some of their tweets this week:

John Piper:

Man, please they Maker, and be merry, And give not for this world a cherry. -- William Dunbar

Jesus' strength to do God's will is to do God's will. “My food is to do the will of him who sent me” (Jo 4:34). Next sermon.

God threatens terrible things if we will not be happy. (Deuteronomy 28:47)

Tom Ascol:

So much of the Christian life is not learning new things but learning fundamental things in new ways.

The young, with their strong loathing for the unauthentic, quickly detect any dichotomy between the church and its founder-Stott, in 1977

all my counseling is summed up in this: Be a real Christian & act like it.

That's it. Don't forget that tomorrow's Sunday! Plan your weekend around your worship of the Lord and your fellowship with His people.


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