Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Politics August 31

August 31 2009 Monday Politics

Just as a comment on both church politics and non-church politics: When someone raises a criticism of your position, past behavior, or apparent future direction, answer the actual problem. If you want to also add in that it's not really something that you think is a fair criticism, that's fine. But don't just say it's not a fair criticism and if that's the way you and your ideas will be evaluated you'll just leave, that doesn't really buy any credibility. And counter the criticism with facts and definite statements. Don't give us the “You can't really believe I__________.” Actually, yes we do believe it, that's why the question is being asked. Answer the question.

On that note, the House and Senate should soon be headed back inside the Beltway, back to the insulated cocoon of Washington D.C. It's been nice to have them out here mingling with the masses, but I think they're longing to escape the public and go make decisions for us again. Don't let them escape your opinion. They are there to represent you and your fellow citizens, with an oath to the US Constitution. Let's make sure that our elected representation understands that if they make decisions that don't represent us, they will not be our elected representation at the first legal opportunity.

Monday Morning Politics on the Doug Blog wishes to extend condolences to the Kennedy family in the death of Senator Kennedy. For the record, at this point his record doesn't count. The Lamb's Book (Revelation 21:27) is the only one that counts. He now knows what others are only guessing at. Let it be a reminder to us all that no amount of wealth, power, or fame can stave off that appointed day. Are you ready?

A final thought based on history: the United States of America was formed in the fires of a war. Not everything that our Founding Fathers did was right, but much was. They foresaw the need for a government that could be strong when necessary, but was limited in its scope. They foresaw that times would change, that additional groups of people would be allowed the rights endowed them by their Creator. The post-Revolutionary War era wasn't the greatest economy. People lacked necessities like food and shelter. People lacked access to health care. Our country survived and grew because our government system was constructed on the idea of the government not doing what people can and should. Since then, we've come to a better understanding of our responsibility to care for the poor and downtrodden, but we cannot become a government that attempts to provide all things for all people. We've survived 200+ years not doing so. Let's not start now.

Should we eliminate government assistance? No. But we need to structure it in ways that prevent corruption and theft, and that build pathways to self-reliance. It's been amazing to hear how we're going to pay for health-care reform by all the money we'll save eliminating Medicare and Medicaid fraud. If we really have billions of dollars lost to fraud, we need to stop the fraud. Period. It's no wonder the Medicare system is estimated to go bankrupt in the next 10 years. Likewise, we should not be seeing people have children on Medicaid then see their grand-children born on Medicaid. I'm all for making sure we have healthy babies, but somewhere in there a family should have been able to take responsibility for themselves. Everyone in America is not only provided a free education, but it's the law for you to get it. Why do we have these cycles if education is the answer?

My point is this: we, as a country, have some issues. We have needy people that we've never really helped in a way that helps. We have government and business structures that enable a cycle of dependence and discourage independence. The solution is not to pass laws that entrench dependence, but to actually look at what works to break it. Provide the help that is needed. Not that is wanted, not that makes us feel good. But what people really need.

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