Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10 2009

August 10, 2009

Today my son is 3. Wow. By the time either of his sisters were 3, we had another child. Now we've just got cats. I think I'd rather have another child. It's fun to watch him grow and learn. He does like his routine, and isn't a big fan of having things not go as planned. What he doesn't realize is that half the time, he's the reason things don't go as planned! Ah, but he's a good boy. Even if he is just like his daddy, he's cute. This morning he wanted me to leave for work. So that I could come home from work.

And I'm thinking about that. I think it's his nature as a 3-year-old to want the exciting times. Daddy leaving is exciting, because we give out hugs and kisses, and, on top of that, now we get Mommy all to ourselves! And Daddy coming home is exciting, because there's lots of “How was your day?” and “ What did you do today?” and “Daddy look at this and look at this and look at this....” and such. In between, while we're all home, after a little while it's a little bit routine. Not bad, not neglectful, just routine. And it's part of growing to learn to cope with routine. To find comfort in it, but not to wallow in it. To realize that everything's okay, even when there's not a lot of action. Spiritually, we need to grow to that point. To realize that there are exciting times and routine times, and not to fear the routine. To realize that the routine gives us the opportunity to see the faithfulness of God. Something Steven is learning is that, when he hears me leave to run at 5, that I will be back. We're hoping he learns to sleep through me leaving to run, but that's another story for another day. He's learning that Daddy is faithful to come back when he leaves. Sometimes I don't get back when he wants me, but I come back. Through this I'm reminded to trust that God is faithful, though His faithfulness is not measured by my expectations but instead by His word. And He keeps His word.

Proverbs 10:2 →How did you acquire your gains? Whether it's financial growth for you, numerical growth for a church, or fame, if they aren't acquired through a godly means, they will not profit. The means are as important as the ends for a Christian. Why? Because the end goal is to glorify God, and the means must not distract from that.

Proverbs 10:3 →Yet, you say that you have known the righteous to lack food? Compare the halves of the proverb. The righteous do not go hungry, the wicked do not get what they crave. What do the righteous crave? The righteous may need food, but they crave God. And He will not let them lack for Him.

Proverbs 10:5 →Sons can still be a disgrace in adulthood.

Proverbs 10:7 →How are you remembered when you leave? As a blessing? Or does your name rot? And how do you choose to remember others? For righteousness or for the benefits they brought you?

Proverbs 10:9 →Integrity causes security because you need not fear getting caught. You may be in danger, but it is danger for who you are (ask Daniel about that), rather than for trying to get away with stuff.

Proverbs 10:14 →Sometimes it's better to store up, hold back knowledge, rather than going on and on and on. It's not a trustworthy statement that “If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffled them with bull.” Showing off knowledge is more akin to foolishness than wisdom.

Proverbs 10:18 →Don't hide your quarrels with someone. Better to go directly to them and address your concerns and problems.

Proverbs 10:23 →Do we find living with wisdom pleasurable? Or do we act as if it's the dregs of life? True, our greatest pleasures await the redemption of our bodies and our resurrection to life everlasting, but life with Christ and following God's word aren't supposed to be a heavy burden, filled with complaining.

James 3:1-2 →And so, preaching is always scary. I read this to indicate that the same mistake by a teacher/preacher compared to a non-teacher/preacher would punished or disciplined more strongly by God. Which is a big deal.

Devotional book:

Opening prayer, from the Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil . (If you're SBC like me, just ignore the source and read): Lord our God, great, eternal, wonderful in glory,....Cleanse our bodies and souls, our hearts and consciences, that with a pure heart and a clear soul, with perfect love and calm hope, we may venture confidently and fearlessly to pray to you. →That I may have calm hope today!

Genesis 37:1-4; 12-28 → v. 15 jumped out: How often do we spend “wandering” when we should be doing something? Joseph, at this point, has little clue where his brothers are, possibly because he has no idea how to shepherd. So, he wanders. He doesn't try to accomplish his task. Do we wander? v. 22: Are we willing to 'shed no blood' or do we want blood in our anger? Whole section: Do we consider how we treat our brothers?

Sermon this week will come from Psalm 86. Expect some thoughts on that tomorrow!

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