Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For amusement

I subscribe to the feed from, where I saw this post the other day.  I've been wondering what to do with it, whether to use it to illustrate a point, or as a joke.  Then, I thought I'd just rip it off and post it here.  Hopefully Walter Olson feels he's getting appropriate credit, since he's a lawyer, and could sue the stuffing out of me if he wanted to.  Which, though, would counter him illustrating unnecessary lawsuits.

Subscribe to Overlawyered, or at least give them a look.  Between illustrating legal system abuses, Mr. Olson does a great job highlighting the overall bad situation that the CPISA law has made for small businesses.
Jonathan Lee Riches sues Guinness Book of World Records
Jonathan Lee Riches sues Guinness Book of World Records

by Walter Olson on May 24, 2009

The notoriously litigious inmate, also known as Irving Picard, has sued the records book for calling him the world’s most litigious guy; he also “objects to the names Guinness intends to call him”, including: “Johnny Sue-nami,” “Sue-per-man” and the “Patrick Ewing of suing.” He is currently an inmate at a federal facility in Kentucky. [Spokane Spokesman-Review, KOMO]

(and I thought the phone call about a blog project I started, claiming I was infringing someone's trademark, was highly annoying.  It was annoying enough that I gave up on that project, but this takes the cake.)

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.