Monday, August 24, 2015

Sermon Recap for August 23

Why, yes, I did preach yesterday. And I am crazy slow getting this uploaded. In fact, I’ll have to update it tomorrow with the audio links! It’s been a day with computers.
Morning Sermon:
Text: John 3:16-21
Date & Place: August 23 AM

Primary Theological Point: What should we learn? We're already judged--v. 18; and already loved; v. 16
Primary Practical Point: What should we do? Proclaim the truth: the world is judged; every last one of us. 
Take Home Action: Pick three people you don't like and pray for God to bless them every day.
Evening Sermon:
Text: Joshua 23
Date & Place: August 23 PM EEBCAR

Primary Theological Point: What should we learn? Ease makes sloppiness.
Primary Practical Point: What should we do? Don't relax your grip. (v. 8)
Take Home Action: Reflect on God's promises and then follow through on yours!

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.