Thursday, August 6, 2015

Book: Questions Jesus Asks

Today's Book is Questions Jesus Asks. This is a follow-up to Israel Wayne's Questions God Asks, published last year. Wayne is a preacher and teacher in the United States.

Now, on to this particular book. Essentially, this is an accessible theology book framed around the Scriptures that record Jesus Himself asking questions. It's a different approach than the standard formula of defining a topic and then going to the text for answers. It strengthens the reader's interest by using this approach.

First, Wayne addresses the big question: Who is Jesus? Why does that matter? From this understanding of the nature of Christ, he goes on to address the other questions.

A moment here to take a brief dip into the idea of all Scripture as the Word of God. Wayne is not presenting that "red-letters" are more important than other letters by focusing on the questions Jesus asked. Instead, he is using these questions as an organizational tool for exploring all of Scripture.

The topics covered run from Christology to Eschatology, but all without being obscure or bizarre. Further, Wayne speaks plainly to the audience and without an edge of superiority.

I found this a helpful book for learning theology by going through a different path, one that helps the reader stay focused. Additionally, I would commend the idea of using this book alongside reading the text as narrative, for a few excursions into what deeper things we can learn from the moments in the story the questions are asked.

I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for the review.

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