Psalm 142:11 ->All for His glory, not for ours.
Proverbs 8:5(HCSB) ->You can get sense. You do not have to live with nonsense!
Proverbs 8:8(HCSB) ->Deception is not the act of the wise.
Proverbs 8:10(HCSB) ->Take knowledge, not to gain wealth but because it's better than wealth!
Proverbs 8:36(HCSB) ->Again, there is no neutrality. You are either for wisdom or death.
Galatians 6:16 ->"Follow this rule" ->See, there are some rules!
1 Peter 1:21 ->Our faith and hope are only in God!
Proverbs 8:5(HCSB) ->You can get sense. You do not have to live with nonsense!
Proverbs 8:8(HCSB) ->Deception is not the act of the wise.
Proverbs 8:10(HCSB) ->Take knowledge, not to gain wealth but because it's better than wealth!
Proverbs 8:36(HCSB) ->Again, there is no neutrality. You are either for wisdom or death.
Galatians 6:16 ->"Follow this rule" ->See, there are some rules!
1 Peter 1:21 ->Our faith and hope are only in God!
Moving toward the Horizon,
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