Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2 2009

Psalm 143:2 ->Yet some men dead he sees as righteous, having been washed clean by the sacrifice of Christ. Also, is this a difference from old covenant to new? That now, men living can be seen as righteous if they are followers of Christ?

Proverbs 2:6 ->(by the way, I'm reading Proverbs this month in HCSB. As I read through it every month, I'm changing translations. So far: ESV, NLT, NKJV, NASB, now HCSB. Will be sure to hit NIV and KJV before the end of the year. If I ever learn it, I'll do it in Hebrew, but that's a few years out.) Do you recognize taht any who listen to God may have wisdom?

1 Peter 1:16 ->Why do we not treat this as a command? Why do we knock this verse down to a "well, it sure would be nice, but what do we expect?" This is an expectation of God on our behavior, thoughts, attitudes.

Quote: "It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal. When few comforts comforts come from without, it is all the more necessary to have a fount to draw on from within." B.C. Forbes

Thought #1: Are you drawing from the goal of honoring Christ?

Thought #2: There is no inherent evil in prayerfully setting Biblically guided goals for yourself and family. Do it, and then focus on it!!

Prayer for Poland team: Starting sports camps and impromptu games. Pray for endurance and boldness. Also for graciousness. The girls are putting the smack down in some games. Which is good, but they are needing to also show gracious victory to teach about Christ.

Moving toward the Horizon,

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.