Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 13 2009

(Yes, a day late)

Psalm 143:10 ->You are my God. Not food. Not A/C (which died during this devotional time). Not the Blackberry!

Proverbs 13:12(HCSB) ->Lord God, let our be fulfilled in You, not in anything else.

Proverbs 13:19(HCSB) ->Sometimes, one must turn from evil to have desires fulfilled.

James 1:2 ->And the air conditioner quit. It can't mean to consider that joy, can it? Probably not, given that James wrote to people facing death for their faith. We shouldn't think busted A/C is even worth comparing. Instead, it's a chance to be reminded of the blessings we have, and a way to know better how to pray for our friends on the mission field without it, and to realize the needs of those without it around us.

Revelation 13:8 -> 1. This "all" doesn't mean everybody. 2. The book, known from the foundation. Christ has always known who is his.

Revelation 13:17 ->Buy or sell any thing or anything? Is this a true economic boycott of all believers or does the idea of shadow markets among believers fit? It sounds like there can be no buying or selling in any way at this point without the mark.

1 Peter 1:24 ->All of this earthly stuff gets mown down! Flower of grass? That's some fleeting stuff, isn't it?

Quote: "Everyone is like a tack and can only go as far as the head permits" -Olive Ann Beech

Thought #1: I'm like a tack? I'm more like a push pin--they're fatter around the middle.

Thought #2: True thought. If the head of Christians is the Lord Jesus Christ, we don't have many limits, do we?

Reader poll: Do you also read my other blog? And would you just as soon have it all on the same website?
Moving toward the Horizon,

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.