Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 2009

July 31 2009

Proverbs 31:4 → Good thing we have a President and not a king, then, isn't it? Elsewhere, Scripture speaks of wine and beer as bringing pleasure and as making one forget troubles, along with the warnings of intoxication. I'm seeing here it is not for those who lead to forget their troubles, nor the troubles of those they rule over. It's one thing to take a short break, but if you lead people, hold responsibility for them, you aren't ever allowed the luxury of forgetting about them.

Proverbs 31:11 → Husbands, do you realize your wife is the good you need? That any other stuff is unimportant with an excellent wife. And other passages, like Proverbs 19:13 and Proverbs 21:9, point out that no stuff is worth it with a quarrelsome wife. So? Praise and encourage your wives into excellence. Reserve your criticisms for the one who needs them most: that guy in the mirror.

Proverbs 31:25 → She can laugh, not because she doesn't understand, but because she realizes who is truly in control. It's a little contrast with Sarah in Genesis 18:12, who laughed at God's promise in doubt. The excellent wife laughs at the calamities, knowing God is in control. She might also learn to take her husband's hare-brained schemes lightly enough.

Proverbs 31:30 → How do we encourage young men/young ladies to seek each other? Through fear of the Lord or through charm, beauty, intelligence?

1 Peter 3:8-9 → Well, this sounds easy enough. All the first leader of the church thinks we need is to be harmonious, sympathetic, kind-hearted, humble, brotherly, and not return insults for insults. That shouldn't be too hard? Should it?

James 2:6-7 → Don't we do this too? We fawn over Brad Pitt or John Travolta, while their religious beliefs mock us, while they use their star power to beat Christians down. Isn't it time we focus on Christ?

I see in the headlines today that the Government has decided to hold off the 'Cash for Clunkers' plan after all. Or, maybe not. They seem to realize they are going to run out of money pretty quickly. The point? I wonder how many people have waited an extra month to buy a car, knowing this was coming, but figuring they could wait for free money. When you give something away that's as lovely and material as a new car, people will overrun you in the pursuit. People will spread the news quickly, people will plan around the idea for months.

Not so with us in the church, though. We have something much more valuable than a $4500 discount on a car. We have Truth, the Truth in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we can be a little grouchy amongst ourselves about side aspects, but the Gospel that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, crucified for our sins, and resurrected on third day to reign at the hand of His Father, that's one all Christians agree on. But do we tell with enthusiasm that we heard about “Cash for Clunkers?” Do we hoard it up, as if the supply is limited?

God's grace is deep enough to forgive all sin. Will you consider that today? It won't hurt you, Christian reader, to share with someone else. It won't hurt you to consider for your life.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.