Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 21 2009

Psalm 86:11 ->Wow. How many things is my heart divided by?

Proverbs 21:10 ->It is wickedness to want bad things to happen to people. Any people.

Proverbs 21:27 ->My life---is it right?

1 Peter 2:3 ->The kindness of the Lord->leads to repentance, rebirth, renewal. That we would realize that kindness!

Quote: "It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him." -John Stenbeck.

Thought: This is what I see wrong in so many ways in our churches. For many years we've labored under the idea that we cannot expect people to do things. We can't preach tithing, because some people will be offended. We've got divorced people, can't preach that. Can't expect youth to come to 'big church' since it's dull. Oh, now we can't expect young adults to come either. Now we seem to not expect anyone under 21 to come to the normal church service, and anyone under 35 shouldn't be expected to go to some boring 'traditional' service. When does it end? At what point do we look at people who claim to be followers of Christ and say "Show up. Show up on time, mentally in tune with what's going on. And stay tuned in the whole time." For crying out loud, there are people that will drive 3 hours to sit through 3 hour concerts and drive back 3 hours. How many church services last 3 hours? Counting Sunday School?

If we continue to accept slackness, sinfulness, laziness, idleness, we'll keep getting it.
Moving toward the Horizon,

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.