Monday, June 8, 2009

Failblog picture

Thinking about our rapid degeneration into plutocracy around here, with the country being run on our behalf by those smarter than us, and committed to protecting us from ourselves, I can't help wonder:

What is the deal with a government that raises taxes on tobacco, because it's bad for you, yet the President smokes cigarettes?

What is the deal with a government that wants to raise fuel taxes, to make more roads, when they don't want you to drive in the first place?

What is the deal with people jetting around the world to global warming conferences in the first place?

What is the deal with the government planning on taxing health care plans to pay for health care plans? Can anyone explain that? Why should it cost me more to get health insurance to pay for affordable health care?

What is the deal with celebrities that whine about how we're destroying the earth, but keep making movies about the destruction of the earth? That include CGI graphics that take a lot of electricity to generate? And that people go sit in air-conditioned movie theaters to watch?

What is the deal with taxing the stew out of rich people? Aren't they the ones that own the businesses that most people work for? Why are they going to pay out more in taxes and keep hiring people?

What is the deal with the growing animosity towards large families? Is it that the government realizes that ordinary people are going to outnumber them by sheer population soon?

What is the deal with a Congress that wants to raise taxes and make Americans work for months just to pay their taxes, and then it's newsworthy that, for one whole month, they might actually have to work 5 days a week?

What is the deal with sticking a Buy American provision in the Stimulus package, then the government forcing the sale of Hummer to the Chinese and all of Chrysler to a European company in Fiat? How does that put Americans to work? And rather than $30 billion, why not just buy $30 billion worth of cars? Wouldn't that have helped? And then the President could have given them away to his supporters, instead of forcing non-supporters out of work ala Dealeargate?

This pictures shows it all, the great hypocrisy of America. I can't help but think that the President drives this one in his off-time:
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Just as an observation, everything at Fail isn't family friendly. So, be warned.

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 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.