Tuesday, June 23, 2009

At the SBC

I'm at the SBC. And so are my 3 kids. So, due to utter exhaustion, I'll pass on giving you an update tonight. Don't worry, if we can make motions now that don't get any action until next year, you can wait for tomorrow to find out what's going on.

I'll do my best, though, to cover everything I know, from the chicken-suited protester to managing to sit down right by Bart Barber when the motion was made to replace him as a SWBTS Trustee.

And I'll try and catch up on all the motions, resolutions, and everything else.

2 real thoughts:

1.)I understand the early deadline for resolutions. Really. I've seen the Resolutions Committees at state levels go insane trying to process everything. This year, though, it hurt us. A resolution is the best tool we have to speak about situations, such as Iran and the crisis there of brutal, anti-freedom government oppression. Problem being, it developed less than 15 days before the convention. Not sure how to fix that.

2.)Motions should be submitted by twitter. That way, they would only be 140 characters. Short, sweet, to the point. And you could look and what you submitted before anyone else saw it.


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