Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore

Book Review: Voices of the Faithful

Voices of the Faithful: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World

While this book is fairly new to being published by Thomas Nelson, from whom I received a free copy to review, it's actually been around for a few years. It was originally published by Integrity Publishing, and the copyright is jointly held by the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. All that aside, you didn't come to see the history of publication. You came for a view on the book.

First, let's address the question of authorship. The book credits “Beth Moore and friends” as the authors of the book. If, however, you were to credit based on volume of material written, the “Friends” would be in much bigger and bolder print. As far as I can see, Beth Moore wrote the introduction as well as smaller introductions for each month. The daily devotionals are actually written by various missionaries and others who, as the credit puts it “put their lives on the line for God.”

This is an important facet of this work. It is not the writing of just one person, but instead represents a variety of experiences and cultures around the world. So, for the typical reader, there will be some days that the writing strikes you and speaks to your heart, and other days that will be less inspiring.

In all, though, as I have read through this book, I find the devotionals to be well-founded Scripturally, and the reading easy. Well, easy in terms of language, though challenging to the person. How can one not be challenged when you read of those who have left home and family to share the Gospel, and those same ones talk of not feeling like they are showing commitment? When you read the stories that missionaries tell of the sacrifices of the people that they encounter, who actually face baptism and church membership as a life and death decision, rather than a matter of convenience as we often treat it?

If you'd like to track down a fluff-hearted devotional book to make you feel happy all year, you'll need to look elsewhere, but if you are looking for a challenge to provoke your thoughts, this will bring it.

A good “appendix” section that gives some practical tips for involvement in praying, giving, and going in international missions rounds out the book.

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