Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Prayers are done for today"

I use a Bible software program.  It was required for several of my seminary classes, and I love the study tools on it. Plus, it has multiple devotional classics on it, so I'm reading through those, although I long to be able to create a daily reading on it and send that reading to my Kindle.

One of the features of this program is a daily prayer list on the home page.  I've entered a few things on that prayer list that I want to keep up with, and the system allows you to check those items off as you pray for them.  Side note: I'm very pleased that there is a place to enter how the prayer was answered in the prayer list section.  Makes me think the program authors believe that God answers prayers.

After you've checked off all the prayer requests on your daily list, the prayer request section gives you the message that you see in the title: "Prayers are done for today." 

Now, imagine that you create a checklist of things to speak to your dearest friend about, your closest loved one.  In brief spurt, you rattle off that list, and then say "ok, I'm done communicating with you for today."

Imagine that you go to your boss, tell them what you need to do your job today, get your instructions for the day, then say "ok, done talking to you or listening to you."

Now, combine the two.  While some of us might relish the second, it's not really feasible, is it? And the first doesn't sound like much of a relationship, does it?

While I know what my organizer is telling me, that I have checked off the whole list for the day, prayer and communication aren't just check boxes.  Throughout the day, my heart should be praising God and seeking His guidance, praying for wisdom and asking God to show mercy on others and myself.

I should also be listening for orders and directions throughout the day.  It's not optional for Christians to listen and obey, even when we've got plans.  True, there's often monotony in life, but God guides, and we don't celebrate Christmas as the birth of the Suggestion-Maker of Suggestion-Makers.  We celebrate the King of Kings, and kings must be obeyed.

So, today I am reminded to not allow either heavenly or earthly communication to be just a checklist, but rather to allow it to be a flow of life.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.