Monday, December 20, 2010

New Living Translation Contest

We’re highlighting three ministries, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Oasis International, and The Dream Center, (click on the link to learn more details about these ministries) and by voting for one of these ministries you’ll be entered to win one of many prizes.

With the Give the Word Bible Contest and Giveaway:
    • Ministries win: Each time the NLT Facebook Page reaches a fan count milestone, votes will be tallied and the three ministries will receive cash donations from the New Living Translation and Tyndale House Publishers.
    • Everyone wins: Everyone who enters on the Bible Contest website wins a free download of Matthew West reading the Christmas story.
    • Daily NLT Study Bible winners: Vote on the NLT Facebook page and you will be entered to win two NLT Study Bibles—one to keep and one to give away. A new winner will be chosen every day.
    • Weekly Give the Word Locally winners: Tell us about a deserving local ministry on the NLT Bible Contest website and they could win five NLT Study Bibles and $250 worth of NLT products.
    • One Grand Prize winner will enjoy a unique trip customized just for them and their family (or three guests of their choice), to Wycliffe Bible Translators world headquarters and the WordSpring Discovery Center where they will experience firsthand the exciting world of Bible translation. The Grand Prize winner could also choose to donate the value of the trip--$2000--to Wycliffe instead.
Check it all out by going to the NLT Facebook page here.


  1. Hi Doug,

    Thanks for highlighting Wycliffe! My wife and I Wycliffe Members and have been for about a year. We were just at the Discovery Center on Friday. Very neat place. What God is doing through Bible Translation is amazing!

    Thanks again! Really enjoying your posts.

  2. Our dearest friends are with Wycliffe in the Solomon Islands, so it's rapidly become one of our favorite ministries. I've been a Southern Baptist all of my life, and when I heard they were going as non-IMB missionaries, I wondered why. Since then, I've learned what Wycliffe does, and am a regular, though very minor, contributor.

    Thanks for reading. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.