Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13 Daily Journal

Daily Journal

October 13, 2009

It's one of those weeks. Where people that ought to know better apparently don't, and when I should be in control of myself and I'm not. Mainly looking forward to the short, yet relaxing vacation coming up. Then it'll be time to move! It's just across town, but it's still a pill...

Romans 1:9 →Preaching is a service to God, not just something we do, but rather a key portion of spreading the Gospel. The New Testament doesn't know a difference between missional and attractional, come and see or go and tell, relationship or proclamation, but rather that the people of God are so consumed by giving the truth of God and the glory of Christ that people are drawn to them, that their relationships allow for proclamation, that their proclamation builds relationships, that as they go, they tell, and others come to see.

Joshua 1:11 →Going where God leads requires some preparation on our part. Are we sitting around, expecting God to do all the work?

Proverbs 1:7 →Describes knowledge of God as the beginning of wisdom. Where do we start? With Him?

Psalm 106 →Who can speak of the Lord? Surely we ought to know Him and speak!

Philippians 1:6 →God began it. Not you. Him.

Check out Reflections on Proverbs today!


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.