Thursday, October 1, 2009

Journal--October 1 2009

Daily Journal

October 1 2009


Romans 1:4 →The Resurrection is the evidence of the power of God and evidence of the divinity of Christ. It's also a beautiful promise. You see in the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus that he often used the physical to demonstrate an underlying spiritual reality. He does the same with His resurrection. By showing us a completely dead physical body being brought back He shows how the completely spiritual that we are can be raised again by His power.

Joshua 1:5 → “Just as I was”: are we leaving a testimony for others to follow? Are we learning from the testimony of others? Do we realize that God has worked through those people to prepare us? Will we be strong and courageous because we know God has been faithful or are we afraid because we haven't seen it in our life yet?

Matthew 21:23-32 →We can equivocate to watch our political backs, but we'll never learn the truth that way. Is that perhaps our problem, or at least my problem sometimes in church seeking God's guidance and blessing? That I am so concerned with not offending one side or the other that the Lord responds “I will not tell you?” That we would take that stand!!

Don't forget to hit Reflections on Proverbs! Our third contributor is up and running. Give her some encouragement as we try and get her writing and sharing more.

Thoughts in my journal today:

Do we realize that we need a theological underpinning for life? That we all build a house of understanding who God is, but without at least a basic system, it's like dumping lumber on a worksite and nailing it together randomly, then calling it a house. We know the Bible is the foundation, but how do we build the house? That's our understanding, our theology, is the house we build. Some people claim they don't need theology, but all those boards are just laying there, and some of them aren't good boards, they don't match the foundation at all. Yet you don't know that, because you haven't culled the pile. Some are just slightly warped because of exposure to bad elements, and need to be properly built into the framework to bring them back to true.

Side thought: Is there really a difference in the call to preach and the call to missions? Can we find that Biblically? Or if we're called to preach, we're called to wherever and preach that God allows?


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.