Daily Journal
October 6 2009
Doug Hibbard
Psalm 19 →Our response to the magnificence of God's creation ought to be to cry out for forgiveness and to pour ourselves into obedience! Let our words and thoughts be acceptable, that our actions will be righteous.
Romans 1:6 →We are among the “called” of Christ Jesus, those whom he has drawn in. Let us neither degrade His purchase nor gloat, for we are His along with many others. Moreover, we are reminded salvation begins with His calling, not with merit we carry or because we're just awesome like that.
Joshua 1:7 →Is God telling Joshua to be very courageous and strong in battle? Or is it even more of a command to be strong and very courageous as he leads Israel, because leading people to follow God's word and God's laws is not an easy task? Read it again, the whole first chapter. The battle is assured, and I think we've seen in the Pentateuch that Joshua isn't one to stress about the battles. It's about the leadership of the people, the holding folks to God's law.
Check out Reflections on Proverbs!
Quote from the calendar: There are two kinds of discontent in this world: the discontent that works and the discontent which wrings its hands. The first gets what it wants and the second loses what it has. --Gordon Graham
Reaction: I don't know Gordon Graham. But he's right...one type of discontent sits down to murmur, the other stands up to ask. This Sunday I had a church member express concern about something that wasn't being done in our church. Specifically, why we had no activity for 3-5 year olds during a time we have activities for other kids. He felt this wasn't a good thing, that it was disruptive to families and problematic for our church. I told him we simply didn't have a teacher.
Now, if you've been around Baptist churches long enough, you know what you expect here. Did he:
a.) List off potential people to teach a class? (likely all women, since it's little kids)
b.) Grumble some more?
Ask for literature so he could teach it?
Well, he took c. So, starting next Sunday, a discontented person moves over to content, because he acted. Hopefully, others will also step up and help. What do you do about your discontent?
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