Monday, October 12, 2009

Daily Journal--October 12

Daily Journal

October 12 2009

Luke 23:12 →Just wondering about how quickly people become friends over abusing the Lord Jesus Christ. Interesting thought, though, isn't it? Ever wonder why certain people get along really well? They're united in their hatred of the things of God, and it allows them to get over their divisions.

Romans 1:8 →Faith proclaimed in the whole world: Is our following of Christ strong enough to be proclaimed as an example to the world? Are you willing to be held up and pointed to? Why not? Humility recognizes that the example is only by the work of God in our lives, not that the work is worthless. Who are we to criticize what God has done?

Joshua 1:10-11 →There is a time to seek opinions, and a time to act! The people are not consulted, they are told to pack up and go. Where are you waiting for an unnecessary consensus before you act?

Exodus 32:1-14 → How quickly we forget. How easily torn apart by delays!

Don't forget to check out Reflections on Proverbs!


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