Thursday, December 18, 2008

Advent Devotional #19

We continue today reposting devotionals on the coming of Christ from Goshen College.

Some of you may be wondering why I chose a Mennonite School in Indiana as the source for this. I admit, it seems a little odd that a strongly conservative Southern Baptist would reach that far to get something. Well, that was actually part of the point. We Baptists, while I believe we have the best handle on understanding the Bible, don't have the only handle. Goshen's devotionals this year were written by a spectrum of people from campus life, students, faculty, theology teachers, administrators. This accomplishes one of my goals, that I want us to learn to see the world through different eyes. The world is not just what we see from here in Monticello, but there are lots of things going on out there. I wanted us to see some of those differences.

And then, I wanted us to see that Christmas is still the same: The celebration of the Incarnate Word of God, of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today's devotion from Goshen College:


By Sheldon Good, a senior communication and business double major from Telfod, Pa.

SCRIPTURE: Romans 16:25-27 (NRSV)
Scroll down for complete Scripture.


The mystery is revealed! In his closing doxology, Paul proclaims the mystery that was "kept secret for long ages"
is finally disclosed. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has been named.

Paul named the greatest secret of all-time. But mysteries still exist in our lives today. I invite you to consider naming a mystery in your own life.

As a senior in college, the mystery that constantly beckons me -- care of both my own personal deliberation and the constant intrigue of others -- remains what to do when I graduate from this institution. This May, no longer will I get asked, "What are your plans for next year?" The query will shorten to, “What are you doing, now that you’ve graduated?”

Now that senior year is underway, I feel a sense of urgency. I have an idea of what I’d like my future to look like. But there are no guarantees, especially in today's marketplace.

I don’t know the plans God has for me. I know they’re out there. I hope and pray that through obedient faith, I can discover this mystery.

Together may we allow God's face to shine through the mystery that is revealed in Jesus Christ. There will always be unknowns in life -- those question marks on our internal balance sheets. May we each name a personal mystery and rejoice in the naming of these secrets. And may our obedient faith in Jesus Christ allow God's face to shine. To God be the glory! Amen.


SCRIPTURE: Romans 16:25-27 (NRSV)
Now to God who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but is now disclosed, and through the prophetic writings is made known to all the Gentiles, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith -- to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever! Amen.

View all of this season's devotions at

Goshen College
The views and beliefs expressed in the devotional piece prepared by each individual reflect their own spiritual growth journey and thoughts, and while created in a campus environment that encourages thoughtful questions and reflection on biblical Scripture and contemporary Christian themes, do not necessarily represent the official institutional positions of Goshen College or Mennonite Church USA.

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