Friday, October 31, 2008

Prayer 1

What is prayer?

Simply put, prayer is the communication in our relationship with God. Prayer is about speaking to God, and about listening for His answers. Does He speak audibly? Probably not. Instead He guides us to His Word, the Bible, and in other ways. I'm convinced that the more we practice praying and searching God's word for answers, the more we'll see His answers in the things around us.

One thing about prayer is that we must pray believing that there will be an answer. If we don't expect God to work, why do we bother? God still works on behalf of His children, for the sake of the promises He has made, but why are so frequently surprised when God answers prayer? We often are, then we cloak that surprise in safe terms, saying that we're just really, really grateful. But in our hearts, we didn't really expect it. I challenge you, as you move forward with God, to pray expectantly, knowing that God will answer.

Moving toward the horizon,

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