Friday, October 31, 2008


I was recently forwarded, again, the email petition to keep God on the broadcast networks. This thing comes around every so-often. This version states that an effort is underway to take preachers Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, and David Jeremiah off of the air.

If this were true, I think that Charles Stanley and David Jeremiah would join me in being thankful that the non-biblical teachings of Joel Osteen were going to be restricted to Houston.

But, it's not true. Period. Federal Courts have found that the FCC can't even fine stations for indecency, the FCC certainly is not going to be able to regulate, at least right now, the actions of independently owned TV and Radio stations. Moreover, they have no power whatsoever to control the content of the internet, cable tv, satellite tv, satellite radio, etc...

There is real danger that, with growing media consolidation, that eventually the few companies that own broadcasting will decide they don't want to broadcast religious programming. The FCC can't stop them from making those decisions. There is also a danger that religious broadcasters with their own networks and equipment will not be able to keep up with technological changes, including those mandated by the FCC.

There is a danger that, since 'spreading the wealth around' will require the government to first take it, then pass it out, that the government will decide certain things should just be owned by 'the people' and managed on their behalf by the bureaucracy. This will be the end of religious broadcasting, as well as any freedom of speech on the air.

There is also a real danger that eventually, in the name of political correctness, our country will determine that free speech does not apply to speech that offends 'reasonable' people, and the definition of reasonable will fall to lawyers and politicians. Then, all religious speech will be doomed.

But, for now, Madalyn Murray O'Hair (who is deceased), and her family, her organization, or other like minded folks are not pushing the FCC to take God off of broadcasting. CBS did NOT cancel Touched by an Angel (which wasn't really a Christian show, just a positive one) because of mentioning God, just because all shows eventually get canceled. Petition 2493 was addressed in the 1970s, and denied by the FCC.

Also, email petitions are basically meaningless. There's no way to verify that those 1000 signatures are signatures or came from 1000 different people. If you have something you are concerned about, take the time to write a letter, stamp it, and mail it.

We're doing more damage jumping at false rumors than we do if we say nothing. Find things that are real to protest.


  1. Yes, I do fear they will try to revive the Fairness Doctrine, especially if they get a dem majority in both houses....

  2. In all fairness, I did forget the Fairness Doctrine...

    The fairness doctrine would hold that all broadcasters must give equal time to the differing sides of an issue. It's usually talked about in the realm of politics, to attack Conservative Radio.

    It could, potentially, be expanded to attack church work and Christian preaching, but, the sword cuts both ways...first, it would have to demonstrated that the preaching was not being balanced by broadcasting that presented an opposing viewpoint. Until Biblical Christian preaching is on as much as prime-time TV, we should be safe. In fact, we could potentially utilize the Fairness Doctrine to demand more time on the air.

    I expect to see the Fairness Doctrine revived, but don't see it having much immediate impact on religious broadcasting.

    then, in 4 years, vote Doug for President and we'll fix it all!


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