Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Church behavior

I have a list of things that I intend to blog about.  I actually have little sticky notes in four or five books highlighting quotes I want to talk about.  I have several songs to talk about, and I've been reading through some very simple biographies of Christians that have gone before us in service to our Lord.

But, I always manage instead to find something else.  Today as I was reading on LeadershipJournal.net, I ran across the poll that you'll find below.  I wanted to put this out there for you to see and think about, and to get your response.  Do we need someone to come check out our church and write us inspection reports?  Do you think this is a good way to evaluate the church?

Post some comments, let's try and have a conversation about this.
Poll - LeadershipJournal.net
The Wall Street Journal reports that some churches are now hiring "professional mystery worshippers" to attend their services and write inspection reports. Would you consider doing this?

• Yes, anything to improve!
• Yes, if the price is right.
• Maybe, I need to know more.
• No, too market-driven for me.
• No, we get enough criticism already.

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To deal with SPAM comments, all comments are moderated. I'm typically willing to post contrary views...but I also only check the list once a day, so if you posted within the last 24 hours, I may not be to it yet.

Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.