Monday, June 9, 2014

Sermon Wrap-Up: June 8

Good Morning! Here are yesterday’s sermons. There appears to be a glitch with the audio player, so you can click on “Direct Audio Link” to listen.

Morning Sermon: Marriage Matters 1 Kings 11

Audio player:

Direct audio link

Marriage Matters: June 8 AM from Doug Hibbard on Vimeo.

Evening Sermon: Pointless

Audio Player:

Direct Audio Link

June 8: Pointless! Ecclesiastes from Doug Hibbard on Vimeo.



June 8: AM: 1 Kings 11

1.1. Scripture intro

1  Now King Solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women,

2  from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the sons of Israel, "You shall not associate with them, nor shall they associate with you, for they will surely turn your heart away after their gods." Solomon held fast to these in love.

3  He had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned his heart away.

4  For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been.1

1.2. Summary Sentence

Marriage: every time a culture degrades marriage, it collapses.

1.3. Background to Text

Solomon's many wives for political purposes, sensual purposes, and business purposes;

Why did you get married?

Why do you want to get married?

1.4. Major Theme in Text

Making marriage about anything but reflecting Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5) degrades the purpose (Genesis 1-2) and begins the collapse of God-honoring culture.

1.5. Concepts of the Text

1. When we are not married: if we make marital status and not God-honoring our goal (1 Corinthians 7)

2. When we are not married: if we participate in things reserved to marriage (sexual purity, mainly)

3. When we are married: if we make our marital status as if better (Mark 12)

4. When we are married: if we fail to live as Christ commanded (sacrifice and love)

5. When we are married: if we fail to honor marriage in others

1.6. Application Point

The church must:

Reflect Christ in our Marriages

Reflect Christ's grace in our approach to marriage

Reflect contentment in Christ in our status


June 8 PM: Ecclesiastes 1:1-2

1.1. Scripture intro

Ecclesiastes 1: pointlessness

1.2. Summary Sentence

When we disobey, nothing great we have is worth having.

1.3. Background to Text

What does it matter?

Without honoring Christ, your wealth, wisdom, and wives are worthless.

Concluding Notes:

1. I do have the rough audio of Sunday Night’s Q&A session, but I’m not sure yet that it’s useful for posting.

2. I am not sure how to improve video quality with the current equipment.

3. If you want to subscribe, here’s a list:

A. iTunes for audio subscription link is here.

B. General Audio RSS feed for other programs is here.

C. If you’re a Stitcher User, the link is here

D. For Vimeo Video, subscribe to this channel:

E. For Youtube Video, subscribe here:

4. Yes, I think I’m not getting a lot of plays on each service or hits on each blog, but in total it’s a decent reach. A social media expert might suggest changes, but this is free-to-cheap, where I have to live right now.

5. Each blog has a “Follow” button and a “Subscribe via Email” option

6. Follow on Facebook: Doug’s Page or the First Baptist Almyra Page

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