Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Wanderings: March 19

It's Wednesday, which means a hodge-podge of things going on.

First, tonight we are at the point in the Biblical story with the kids where we cover David and Bathsheba. Anybody care to deal with adultery and polygamy with a room full of kids for me? Not an easy subject. Some grasp what's happening, others do not--and some parents aren't really up for their kids learning too much at their age.

The focus is certainly on sin and repentance, forgiveness and grace, even for willful disobedience. It's just going to be a tightrope to walk.

And I wonder about the whole situation--why does David fall into this? How willing or unwilling is Bathsheba in her compliance? Is she a victim or a co-conspirator? Does David really think he'll get away with it?

Yet I look at modern politics and think: he may have simply thought no one cared enough to say anything. We certainly don't care in America about the people in power and whether or not they honor and respect folks--as long as they support what we want them to vote for, they can be wicked to the core. If we as a population keep turning a blind eye, we will continue to have Davids in power, and Uriahs filling morgues around the world.

After we wrestle with some of that with kids and youth--certainly not all of it, but some of it, we'll eat a good dinner, have good fellowship, and then talk a bit about Deuteronomy. Fun stuff.

Meanwhile, the Proverbs Blog Project keeps going. Here are a few links:

Ann's posts: Today, March 11

A few of mine: Today, Yesterday, a few from the past couple of weeks.

I'd also recommend the posts at the HEDUA Blog:

By Ann:

By Me:

Also by me:


  1. Thanks for sharing about your posts on our blog, Doug. I hope your discernment post will help many. It's good.

    1. Thanks for letting me blog on your blog, Jenny :)


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