Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Proverbs 18 for March 2014 by Doug

Today, I want to peek at one simple proverb: Proverbs 18:13. While we often go chasing after the deeper or more intricate proverbs, we should not miss the ones that seem obvious.

First in consideration is the obvious aspect here. The one who answers a question without knowing the whole thing is foolish. If you have watched Jeopardy or any other quiz show, you have seen someone attempt an answer too soon. They often get it wrong—and their given answer is so wrong, we readily know it.

Alongside this idea are those who go to court on jury duty—or who examine evidence with a prejudice. Answering and determining what we think is the truth without hearing all is dangerous.

We should spring forward from here. How often do we assume that we have the necessary answer to everything? We take one look, give one thought, and the answer is there.

I see this in church ministry quite often. There are always questions and situations that arise. And those questions are not as simple as I might like them to be. It is not as easy as we would make it, really, when we sit down and pre-solve all the problems.

The solutions are not found in a box that fits all situations. True enough, I believe that everything a church needs is found in the Bible, but how to apply the truth takes time to listen.

This also kicks into our political and geopolitical issues. Too often, we vote for and empower the politician who has a great sounding answer.

The reality is, we vote for a shameful fool. Why? Because he goes into office and pulls out his solution kit, and applies it. There is no time taken to listen, nor any effort to see if the answer actually fits.

This foolishness occurs in churches, in governance, and sadly even in our homes. We answer without thinking, without listening.

Parents, have you listened to your children? Children, to your parents?

Husbands, do you listen to your wives or just give them pat answers?

Are we listening, or do we foolishly think that the answers in our heads are enough?

This is a question that we each need to consider in all the aspects of life. This is a truth that should resonate in our hearts. Does it? Or are you fixed on foolishness?

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