Monday, March 3, 2014

Sermon Recap: March 2 2014

First note: I am learning a new video editing software, and tried it out for Sunday Night. And promptly wrecked the video and the source video. Audio will have to do.

Second note: This coming Sunday (March 9) we will join with Providence Missionary Baptist Church. I will record audio but I am uncertain if I will record video.

Morning Sermon:  We wrapped up Leviticus by looking at Leviticus 26:44 and Leviticus 27:34.

Audio is here

March 3 AM: Leviticus from Doug Hibbard on Vimeo.

Evening Audio is here

Additional Notes:
  1. For those of you interested, you can subscribe to the videos or the audios in your computer. Here are the links:
    1. Video through Vimeo: and click “Follow”
    2. Video through Youtube: and follow this user
    3. Audio through iTunes: and click “Subscribe to this podcast”
    4. Audio through other feed sources: and follow with your software
    5. Each blog has a “Follow” button and a “Subscribe via Email” option
    6. Follow on Facebook: Doug’s Page or the First Baptist Almyra Page
  2. Do keep in mind that web success is measure in traffic or clicks, so go ahead, click. All of these are at no cost to you.

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Sermon Recap for January 19 2025

  Here is what you’ll find: there is an audio player with the sermon audios built-in to it, just click to find the one you want. You’ll also...