Friday, August 16, 2013

Random Friday Thoughts

I should really write a more cohesive post today, but here are just a few random thoughts:

1. I wish I had taken a few classes in culinary arts. While I know I am doing something I love, I also would love to know more about cooking from a creative and world-cuisine level. Not Iron Chef-level, mind you, as I have no appetite for trout ice cream. Still, something more than just open-a-can cooking.

2. I think it is in bad taste to mock any President of the United States as a rodeo clown. Even ones that make a mockery of the dignity of the office themselves. They don’t need any help—and guess what? It’s been done to most Presidents in the last three decades. And I don’t think it should be illegal. It’s just not something I like.

3. I find it remarkable the number of people who want to justify their own preferred universal policies and laws by citing one specific case or specific individual who has a rare situation. Guess what? You cannot structure a society based on general rules that fit every specific situation. That’s when legitimate exceptions should be made to general rules.

4. So far, the mandate for employers to provide insurance is delayed. The mandate to cap out-of-pocket costs for consumers is delayed. What’s not delayed? The requirement on me as an individual to purchase coverage including coverage that I do not need—the ability to put my family into an insured group that will not have certain expenses and therefore reduces the cost to me. How is that helping affordability?

5. People who make a big campaign for a public office then after one term head for the “next level” make me regret supporting them for the office they got. All you wanted was a stepping stone, and you really weren’t out to serve the public. You beat out another person who might have been interested in serving that district, state, ward, whatever for some time.

6. I maintain that every politician should be required, by law, to live in whatever zone they represented the same length of time they were in office. They should also be prohibited from being lobbyists or government employees at the time. And that should just be the cost of their time in power. So, Mike Huckabee and Bill Clinton: move back. You owe Arkansas a few years of living with the results of your time in office.

7. I also maintain that political salaries should be pegged to military salaries and all Administration (not necessarily the career folks, just the political appointees) and Congressional benefits operated out of the same system as the VA. There are no political appointees worth more than a field military leader and no staffer worth more than a good NCO. I would think many aren’t even worth that. And Congressman Bob needs a shingles shot? Put him in line behind the veterans that are waiting 3 months for theirs.

8. Hollywood is out of ideas and lives now on destroying all of the good ones they once had.

9. We Baptists would do well to pay attention to the world around us and stop trying to use laws to make non-Christians as good of Christians as we are. Instead, let’s us try to be as good of Christians as the Bible calls us to be. Then see what happens.

10. I’m not sure why it’s a good idea to wake up a person to give them medication to help them sleep or to treat a condition caused by being over-stimulated by the world around them.

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