Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28 2013

Proverbs 28:8 should be seen as a shot across the bow of our entire economic system. C.S. Lewis noted this in Mere Christianity as well (I think, it may have been a different writing): why do we base our system on something that Scripture fully rejects? Profiteering on interest and usury? Even in this modern era, we might do well to note that the three major monotheistic religions of the world all speak against usury in their sacred writings. Hinduism and Buddhism are so diverse, I’m not really sure what their opinion is…but clearly, the God of Scripture, the One True God, is against it.


Is it any wonder our system is collapsing?


Proverbs 28:18 reflects that trouble will come on all, but the righteous will find deliverance. The crooked, the wicked? It will all fall apart for that person.


Proverbs 28:28 tells us something we should see: people react to the character of the leaders of a nation. Wicked leaders lead to people locking down, hiding out. Righteous people take refuge and hunker back when the wicked are in power. Then, when the wicked pass out of power, the righteous come out of the woodwork. Further, more people align with the righteous for their own sake.


This brings a question: What should we do? Hide out or come forth and challenge the wicked?

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